Professional Help Getting
Permanent Residence in Canada

There are many opportunities available for skilled immigrants in Canada. Becoming a permanent resident in Canada is a process made more accessible with Preferred Immigration’s professional services. We’ll help you find the right path to becoming a permanent resident in Canada.

Our Edmonton immigration consultants have been helping foreign workers earn their permanent residence in Canada for over ten years. We have detailed experience in human resources and labour market impact assessments. These skills can help us start you on a concrete path to permanent residency. Our certified Permanent Resident Consultants will create a strategy for your application so you know what to expect.

Contact us today for a consultation to learn more about becoming a permanent resident in Canada


  • What does Permanent Residence Mean?
  • How do I become a Permanent Resident in Canada?
  • Who is Eligible for Permanent Residency in Canada?

A permanent resident has the right to get most social benefits that a Canadian citizen receives, including health coverage. They can live, work, or study anywhere in Canada. They have protection under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. A permanent resident can apply for Canadian citizenship once he/she meets the eligibility requirements.

To become a permanent residence in Canada, you must be eligible under the family class or economic class. Under the economic class, you may apply for the provincial government's immigration pathways or the federal government. The qualified applicants will be accepted.

The applicant will be assessed based on age, level of education, official language proficiency, Canadian work experience, and foreign work experience. The qualified applicants will be accepted.

Canadian Permanent Residence Consultants

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)

    The Federal Skilled Worker Program’s intention is for immigration applicants with valuable skill sets. If your skills help you contribute positively to Canada’s economy, you may be able to apply through Express Entry and the Federal Skilled Worker Program.

    Many factors are considered by Citizenship and Immigration Canada when reviewing applications for skilled workers. Some factors include age, education, experience, employment offers, and impact on the labour market. When it comes to navigating the FSWP, you’ll be able to depend on the experience of Edmonton’s leading immigration consultants at Preferred Immigration Services Inc.

    Whether you’re a business seeking to bring skilled workers in to fill a skills gap or a qualified, skilled worker looking to come to Canada, our Permanent Resident Consultants will offer specific advice and expertise about the Federal Skilled Worker Program. To learn how to acquire permanent residence in Canada through the FSWP, contact a Preferred Immigration professional or schedule a consultation.

  • Federal Skilled Trades Program (FTSP)

    Within the FSWP is the Federal Skilled Trade Program. The FSTP alleviates labour shortages in skilled trades in Canada. Applicants for permanent residence in Canada under the skilled trade program must meet specific considerations. The first is to demonstrate their trade skills as laid out by the relevant National Occupational Classification system. Applicants must also have an offer of full-time work for one year, among other considerations.

    Preferred Immigration has over a decade of experience helping companies connect with valuable, skilled foreign workers through the FSTP. We are highly familiar with the processes and requirements for acquiring permanent residence in Canada. Call us to review and assess your skills and qualifications to determine the best strategy for your FSTP application.

    Whatever your skill level or profession, Preferred Immigration has the expertise you need to become a permanent resident in Canada.

Explore the Benefits of Canadian Permanent Residence with Preferred Immigration Services

Explore the Benefits of Canadian Permanent Residence with Preferred Immigration Services

Our Canadian Permanent Residence service offers comprehensive support to individuals seeking to make Canada their permanent home. We understand that navigating the immigration process can be daunting, which is why our team of experienced Permanent Resident Consultants is dedicated to providing you with personalized guidance every step of the way.

From determining your eligibility to preparing and submitting your application, we handle all aspects of the process to ensure a smooth and efficient experience. Our Permanent Resident Consultants stay up-to-date with the latest immigration laws and regulations, ensuring that your application meets all requirements.

By choosing Preferred Immigration Services Inc., you're not just applying for permanent residence; you're gaining a partner who is committed to helping you achieve your immigration goals and start a new chapter in Canada.

  • Our Permanent Resident Consultants provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique immigration goals.
  • Access to a network of professionals ensuring your application meets all requirements.
  • Simplified processes to save you time and effort compared to navigating the immigration system alone.


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